Kendall Bay Remediation

Project Overview

Jemena and its specialist remediation contractor, Ventia are planning to undertake remediation works which involves the stabilisation of contaminated sediments within areas of Kendall Bay.

The contamination of sediments occurred as a result of historic industrial discharges from the adjacent former AGL Mortlake Gasworks site (currently the Breakfast Point development – located in the City of Canada Bay local government area).

An important component of the project planning has been consultation with the local community and formation of a Community Liaision Group (CLG). Jemena is committed to continue engaging with the local community, including the distribution of regular community notifications,as we proceed towards remediation and throughout the remediation works.

Jemena received the Project Development Consent from the DPI&E on 31st May 2019, hencefull scale remediation works can now commence – currently this is scheduled to start with Site mobilisation to the Staging site at 140 Tennyson Road, Mortlake - in mid-September 2019.

To receive regular updates about the progress of the Kendall Bay Remediation Project, pleaseregister hereto ensure you are included on our mailing list.

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Phone: 1800 571 972

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Remediation works progressing well

In-situ-stabilization work commences

Remediation of Kendall Bay Sediments gets DPI&E Consent

Jemena wish to advise that the Project has received the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment consent on 31st May 2019.

  • 2007-2011

    Initial planning and site investigations.

  • 2012

    Preparation of planning proposal and preliminary environmental assessment.

  • Early 2013

    Planning review and liaison with Council and Department of Planning and Infrastructure.

    Declaration of state significant development.

  • Late 2013

    Ongoing environmental assessment and investigation of proposed options.

  • 2014

    Preliminary Technical Studies.

    Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) released.

  • Mid 2015 - late 2016

    Further sampling.

    Revised Remediation Action Plan (RAP)

    Revised Environmental Risk Assessment and Human Health Risk Assessment.

  • Early - mid 2017

    RAP submitted to EPA

    EPA RAP comments and reccomendations recieved.

    EPA requests additional investigations and data.

    Jemena to seek tenders to select a contractor for the remediation works.

  • Late 2017

    Further investigation undertaken to address EPA recommendations.

    RAP updated to incorporate results of further sampling and address EPA comments.

  • Early 2018

    Sediment sample collection and geotechnical investigation.

    RAP revised and forwarded to the NSW-EPA accredited site auditor.

    Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) preperation continues.

  • Mid-late 2018

    Jemena contractor successfully completed trial work in the bay confirming applicability and practicality of in-site solidification remediation methodology to Kendall Bay.

    NSW-EPA accredited site auditor sign off on RAP and trial report.

  • Mid 2019

    DPI&E Project Consent received 31st May 2019

  • Late 2019

    Commencement of approved remediation works.

    (Remediation activities within Kendall Bay are expected to take approximately 15 months to complete (weather and site conditions dependant) following mobilisation to Jemena's Staging site o

  • Project Management & Community Consultation

    Project Management & Communication with the Community continues.

Kendall Bay is located on the southern side of the Parramatta River approximately 10 km west of the Sydney Central Business District. Historically the bay was utilised for the loading and unloading of coal and other materials for the adjacent Mortlake Gasworks, which was established by AGL in 1886 and eventually ceased production in the 1980s. 


The process of gas production resulted in the gradual accumulation of contaminants in the soils on the gasworks site and in the adjoining bay sediments. Following the decommissioning of the gasworks, the land adjacent to Kendall Bay to the west was remediated and has now been re-developed, forming part of the Breakfast Point residential area. 


The only infrastructure from the old gasworks that remains along the Kendall Bay foreshore are portions of wharf timber piles associated with the former coal loading wharf, which extend below the river bed. Since the closure of the gasworks, other uses of Kendall Bay have predominantly been for passive water-based recreational activities.


In 2004, the bed of the Parramatta River and Kendall Bay within 200 metres of the shoreline bordering the former Mortlake Gasworks was declared a ‘Remediation Site’ by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) after investigations carried out by AGL established that areas of sediments within the bay had been contaminated by gasworks activities.


Jemena’s Voluntary Management Proposal (VMP) for the remediation phase of the Project was accepted by the EPA in 2017 and a Remediation Action Plan was completed in June 2018, identifying two remediation areas within Kendall Bay-Southern Remediation Area and the Northern Remediation Area.


Due to the complexities of the project and to ensure minimal disruption to the community, Jemena engaged extensively with specialist consultants, remediation contractors and government departments to ensure the remediation project has been appropriately scoped, planned and will be implemented.  


Community information sessions were held during the EIS exhibition period with key members of the Project team, including technical and environmental specialists available to explain the details of the Project and assist with questions regarding public submissions. These sessions were well attended by community members.


Now that the Project has received DPI&E Consent, works will begin from September 2019.  The local community will be kept updated via community notifications distributed via letterbox.   For those who would prefer to receive these notices via email, please register here.



Phone: 1800 571 972
