Former Goulburn Gasworks Remediation Project


  • Remediation Works

    The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has declared the site as being significantly contaminated under Section 11 of the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997. Jemena are currently managing the contamination through the implementation of a Voluntary Management Proposal (VMP). The VMP is an agreement between Jemena and the EPA which requires the site be remediated in accordance with the Remediation Action Plan (RAP).
    The RAP governs the remediation works for the site. Broadly these works will consist of:
    • excavation of buried former gasworks infrastructure where required in order to remediate contamination;
    • ex-situ or in-situ treatment/stabilisation of contaminated soil;
    • excavation and removal of contaminated soil for treatment from the foreshore of Mulwaree River (along a portion of Council owned land); and,
    • construction of a low permeability barrier to reduce groundwater flow through residual contamination towards the Mulwaree River.
    An important component of the project planning was consulting with the community. Jemena is committed to continuing communications with the local community as we proceed with the remediation works, now that the required project approvals have been met and work has commenced (as at November 2018).