Environmental Investigation Works
Jemena has completed multiple environmental investigations at the former gasworks to understand the nature and extent of contamination at the site. The environmental investigations undertaken over the past 10 years have helped to inform the requirements of the remediation works. Following the completion of remediation in late 2019 the, ongoing environmental investigations will be undertaken to ensure the works have been completed successfully.
A copy of the community letter about environmental investigations conducted in October 2017 can be viewed
The Site and Surrounds
The former Goulburn Gasworks site is located on Blackshaw Road, Goulburn.
A building at the former Goulburn Gasworks site, Blackshaw Road, Goulburn.
The Goulburn Gas and Coke Company (GGCC) constructed gasworks infrastructure and commenced the production of gas using coal gasification at the site. It originally operated the site as a gasworks between 1879 and the 1970s before the Australian Gas Light Company (AGL) acquired GGCC, which subsequently merged into Jemena in 1994. The site is currently owned by Jemena Gas Networks (NSW) Ltd, a subsidiary of Jemena Limited.
By the 1960s the site included two gasholders, tar wells and associated infrastructure including a retort house. The retort house and one gasholder were demolished in 1967 and 1968 respectively, with gas processing ceasing completely in the 1970s.
The historical gasworks-related operations and waste disposal activities onsite have contaminated the soil and groundwater at the site and of land immediately east of the site. Concentrations of gasworks hydrocarbons, heavy metals, cyanide and ammonia have been identified in groundwater beneath the site. The primary source of the contamination in groundwater is residual tar and soils impacted by tar and other gasworks waste in the vicinity of the former retort house and tar wells.
Community Consultation
Jemena has engaged extensively with specialist consultants, remediation contractors, government departments and regulators, including the Goulburn Mulwaree Council, Joint Regional Planning Panel, Department of Primary Industries, Water NSW and the NSW EPA to ensure the project was appropriately scoped and planned. Consultation with the local community has also occurred over a number of years during this process.
We are committed to continued communication with the community on the remediation of contaminated sites and have developed a program of common communication activities program involves a broad range of activities, including stakeholder briefings, newsletters and fact sheets, a project 1800 number and email address.
We have included a library of communications such as newsletters, letters and notifications to the community to learn about the project and its progress. If you are looking for particular information and can’t find it here please get in touch.